54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

May my hippo get some cookie?

I summon @anon29036956.

You pinged the wrong hippo that’s the fourth one u pinged.

Still I am here for cookies :cookie:

I am summoning fake hippo, duh.

i has never seen you before, who are you? :thinking:


i am you nightmare, i lurk in the shadow, get in and out, scum slip, and like people post (i also sercetly kill Firekitten but shh)

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Okay folks GET UR ICECREAM!!!

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No you will melt it.

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:frowning: that’s why I told them to get it before it melted

@discobot fortune
gimme cookie

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

@discobot fortune
gimme cookie…

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

Thank you discobot don’t tell the others that you gave me a cookie. okay?

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Num num :cookie: ty again @discobot for giving me a cookie :slight_smile:

@discobot fortune
Did anyone see me eating an illegal cookie? :cookie:

:crystal_ball: Most likely

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