54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

That’s true.

probably 3-5$ for each one

maybe ten


can you actually not @solic


We are looping this discussion around to show why Fool is bad trust me and icibalus

That’s actually pretty annoying

I can’t see anything past “lmao you are bad” here.

It’s because the argument is a disguise to prove a point

When he answers he loves wolf I could have looped it right around

Don’t close threads when you effectively know nothing about our argument


the fact that auto clearing metas exist because people don’t even care about their scum game annoys me

The activity ones.
Principally the activity ones.

@Possessed abbreviated version of our ultimate point: wolfing properly requires WiM, everybody who has WiM for playing wolf dosen’t know how to properly and thus loses, causing them to lose their WiM, so if we make people WANT to play wolf more then every setup will fundamentally move towards the wolf’s favour.

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What’s WiM

Wants it more

If we include neutrals to balance the game, then the wolves will basically delegate their own success onto the Fool/NK/Lost Wolf, and will never get better, so people will still get lock cleared due to meta.

this is why low neut/no neut setups are GOAT, don’t @ me

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@ici :b: alus

You know, I said everyone’s ignorant on the mafia championship thread here. The reason I did was because everyone effectively thought I was an accurate and great player, but that’s only because they are bad at wolfing. I’m worse on other communities and I basically have to catch up to getting considered decent because people here are so easily caught I’m not used to wolves who try.

We need Eevee back.