54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot fortune you pranking rite?

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

He’s pranking me because you two are teaming

my level of beauty has ascended past the levels of Funny Valentine. I feel like cloning myself a billion times and trying to take over the galaxy by populating it entirely with clones of myself tbh

I read this as furry and thought you were coming out as a furry for second

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no that was just the name of the President of the United States of America™, Funny Valentine

Oh Maximus my husbando is bacc

stein gates

is amazing

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I stain bulls, not constant elopers.

lmao same

nah im still mostly lurking :^)


Is it bad I understood this

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No it’s a punchline to a brilliant joke but I couldn’t be bothered finding the copypasta

Example Execution:
Execution of a Giant Phoney, On the Go! - Execution of Akira Abiko, the Ultimate ???


Akira is placed into a blank room with nothing but a giant phone and a sign. Akira looks at the sign, it says “Turn the phone on, or else it will fall on you and crush you.” To the right, Akira notices a timer that is counting down from 60, in actuality, it is counting down from 15 as the clock is going at times 4 speed. Once the clock reaches 8 seconds left, Akira pushes the button on the phone, the giant, extremely bright screen turns on. Akira looks away as the screen’s brightness was turned to max. Suddenly, Akira is sucked into the phone as the phone starts doing random actions.

The phone scrolls from the first page, to the second, then the third, once it reaches the third, it clicks on a game called Minecraft Pocket Edition. Automatically the game places Akira in third person mode. Akira is… in the game? Akira suddenly moves at high speeds forward, it’s obvious he’s not controlling himself, he starts walking towards a cave with no materials, no wood, no tools, no anything. Once he enters the cave, he encounters a creeper. He attempts to punch it using his fist, but obviously it doesn’t work. Suddenly, the creeper explodes and Akira loses 8 hearts. (4 Full Hearts). Then, the app closes, but for some reason, the heart bar stays.

Then, it scrolls to Netflix and it opens it, suddenly, out of nowhere, the phone jumps on it’s side and Akira falls down. The heart bar changes and he loses 2 hearts (1 Full Heart). It then scrolls through the movies, some are boring, some are horrid, some contain some gore. Akira walks through the side of the screen and looks at the movies that were there, they all seemed boring to him but then it closed the app, Akira start to fall but he somehow gripped onto one of the apps as he was falling. The app was called “Crunchyroll”.

Because he touched the app, it automatically turned on and tilted to the side, Akira turned his body to the side and gripped dropped himself onto the side of the phone, he scrolled through and through until he found something called “Danganronpa; The Animation.” The description sounded exactly like what they were going through, so, he clicked on it. Little did he realise, that this would be a mistake. Instead of playing what was promised by the description, it instead played a different perspective of the game they were in. The Australian Camp murder game. It played it from Suigin’s perspective, who was just doing what they were normally doing, except, he entered Poi’s dorm and stole Aaron, next Lena’s perspective, of her typing on her monopad about where Aaron was. This event had happened recently yet was recorded.

Next, it loaded up a video of the current execution going on, Akira’s execution, just like before, it started with the Pocket Edition, then Netflix, but instead of Crunchyroll loading up this time, it instead went to Pokemon: GO! Once this happened, Akira fell down. Once again, this time, he couldn’t stop himself and lost 6 hearts (3 full hearts) 4 hearts remaining (2 full hearts). After he fell down, the person controlling everything took a screenshot and opened it up. He copied and then pasted the “Empty Heart” sprite from Minecraft and covered the two full hearts. Then. Pressed Save.

Suddenly, after that happened, the two full hearts on Akira disappeared, and Akira fell down. The Minecraft “You Died: Respawn. Exit to Main Menu” screen showed up. But along with another option. “Give Up.” The person controlling it pressed “Give up”. And sure enough, Akira disappeared.

I made an Execution for my Custom Danganronpa Character lol

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what’s his ult

Ultimate ???

But he’s addicted to his phone.

Also it’s for an RP that @PoisonedSquid is in and I can’t say his actual Ultimate because (Spoilers)

dm me?

I never left, silly
oh shit wait

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