54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



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Boom. Don’t forget to include RNG.

what kind of Hearthstone-themed game dosen’t include copious amounts of RNG?
but it’ll be good RNG. I promise.


my dog died

I’m depressed now

Rest In Peace, the dog owned by a cat.

That sucks dude. :confused:

:skull_and_crossbones: rip.

oh damn

Sorry to hear that my dude

Thats Sucks fk.

Good morning everyone

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Good morning


this poor woman



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the game glitched out and made me lose my 115% triples 50% quadruplets (don’t ask me how that’s what NRAAS showed me)
to compensate for this I have downloaded a pregnancy mod and used it to have werewolf quadruplets.

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wtf lol

My basement is terraformed rn

We had a seepage leak and part of the carpet in my room got drenched

So there are giant fans drying everyhting out

Thank god for insurance