54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

We trade our summer here for a lot of breaks during the school year

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I think I use my phone as a defense mechanism

Whenever someone looks at me my urge to look at my phone increases

Same lmao

dont talk to me don’t talk to me don’t talk to me

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I’d rather have that than a longer summer break tbh. It’d be nice to have a break in like October or january/February

I work though the entire summer now


So, you remember last year when I said something around the term of trying to get my Latin Teacher to accept a forum mafia game as my second semester project

Do you mind me placing a game spot in the queue for an exact day to start on when I find out the date

basically like

putting a queue for an exact date

Should be fine.

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Oh god this is going to be so awkward lmao


Also anyone who plays in my game

If you make a really dumb or funny post expect to get laughed at

this is going to happen in like 6-7 months idk when exactly

Time to make a class full of people I’ve never met laugh

It’s my chance

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how does a mafia game tie into a Latin class

Latin themed forum mafia game

Maybe Latin type gladiator or Gods.


Probably Gods

It’s going to be role madness with a lot of events

I don’t know how active mafia will be on this site in 6 months however

sounds cool