54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Just ignore gender completely :upside_down_face:

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Easier said then done

I think I was visibly nervous when I was forced to sit next to two girls

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Hey man, everyones a bit awkward, you get better at talking to people, the more you do it, so dont be afraid.

Dont worry about it then, you dont have to interact with people you dont want to, and if they think you like them just put them down gently, its the nicer thing to do

Well I hope is all better now

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People are scary tbh

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It’s not even that I’m afraid of just talking to people

It’s more of a fear I’m going to make them mad or I won’t do something well enough or I’ll be judged

Even though I know that’s irrational

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The difference between The Hero and The Wise Old Man is simple.

The Wise Old Man didn’t dare to face the dragon on himself when he was younger. So he instead studied the dragon and learned what the dragons strength is and what it’s weakness is. For years he have done this until he has grown to be frail but wise.

When the Old Man was 18 he started this. For 12 years he studied it and watched hundreds of people die to the dragon. Each time one of those people tried to venture off he warned them and told them to stay with me for a while so we can develop a strategy to defeat it. They all laughed and said we want the glory for ourselves. Each time he shook his head at peoples ignorance.

When the Old Man was 30 figured out the dragons weakness. However the Old Man had back problems and thus couldn’t defeat the dragon on it’s own. For 40 years he told countless people to come to his house so he can share the strategy with them. And every time they ignored him and told him they didn’t need his plan, they wanted the glory for themselves. They all died.

When the man was 70 he stopped warning people. He knew ignorance knew no bounds. However when he was 75, a guy asked around if they knew the dragons weakness or had a plan to defeat it. The guy looked heavily scared but he needed the money. He didn’t do it for the game. The Old Man shares his plan with the guy and the guy defeated the dragon.

Everyone thanked the hero but not the wise Old Man. If the man didn’t share his plan with the hero, he would have died like the rest.

This is a story I just made off the top of my head to show that ignorance isn’t bravery or heroic, and that the wise never get credit

These days people call ignorance and fearlessness as Heroic. How can you call something that was so stupid, heroic? It’s not heroic it’s dumb.







I’m having a rambunctious moment, walk away slowly.

Sounds fun


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Oh hey I can post again

Now I can go back to eating PMs


Don’t go


lol good luck

I don’t exist


honestly if this isnt the biggest mood i dont know what is

I didn’t know I was so scary

All humans are scary