54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

well shit

Nice new pfp


Right is subjective. If a majority of people agree murder is correct, does it make it correct? In the eyes of a murderer they are in the right while in the eyes of a jury they are in the wrong.

There is no such thing as right or wrong the universe doesn’t exist we are in virtual reality

Earth is a HEXAGON

Stop trying to hide the truth we all know earth is a cube

the earth is a torus.
thus, the mercator projection is in actuality 100% accurate

fuck i’m bored

i should try getting to 17777 by myself


but im too lazy to do that so im just gonna sit here and be bored


entertain me peasant


the king demands it

i rate this post a 3/10

i reject the cookie

I’m starving

So close to cookie yet so far…

work for it