54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

or is it?

No it’s a rabbit geting stroked on the nose can’t you read your own typing jeez

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Turn the image slightly.


It’s an optical illusion.

i have an irrational hatred of optical illusions due to how dissapointing they are

Of course, but it’s slightly broken by the “ears” not exactly fitting that of a rabbit. (lighting / sharpness mainly)
I can see where you could get that though

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only good one i’ve ever seen is the one where if you tilt a room by 35 degrees with no windows you can trick the brain into thinking things are rolling up hills

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Plus the collar. Rabbits don’t have them.

I had a dream where I remembered another dream and now I don’t know if the memory is real or not

This is a dream.
It’s time to wake up :^)

I had a dream where i didn’t do my math homework and it confused me because now I have a memory of not doing it when I did it

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“wake up [blank] you’ve been in a coma for 10 years” is what I say when I don’t have anything better to do


Mines is at least pretty obviously fake because it would mean I joined the hunger games twice

I dreamt a dream

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What happens if a child is in a coma for t0 years, what happens to them school wise

Yeah but my isn’t so that’s fun

I have a dream


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Wake the fuck up
We’ve got a city to burn