54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so

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@discobot fortune are you scum?

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes

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Ez game

I got scum to out

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

:crystal_ball: My sources say no

You’re not lucky though…
Do you know what my title means?

I will rate this sandwich a ten.


she said most guys and usually around half of my characters are sarcastic or snarky in some way cause it’s fun messing with ppl so idk about myself really but im fine with playing whatever

but yeah i do see where she’s coming from

oof wifi disconnected randomly so i couldnt really finish what i wanted to say

so what i meant was that i understand where mer c is coming from and just bc i played a female doesn’t mean im comfortable with all parts, and even though i could try different stuff i usually fall back on my old habit of sarcastic characters because it’s fun messing with ppl and it’s not too hard for me (probs bc i can be a sarcastic demon from hell when i wanna be)

merc, you should maybe bring up your qualms with the others if you aren’t havig fun. hopefully they’ll listen and step out of their comfort zone a little bit or something

There should be no difference to cross-gender rpg. I’ve played a lot of male characters, and my male rpg friends played a lot of female characters. Some aren’t that skilled in it and do it more stereotypical, but some are really good in it and it’s a blast to play with them.


wdym by no difference?

If I play a male character, the others are treating him like a male character. They have problems in referencing to me as a “him”, so they mix up calling me he and she, which is a bit weird but most of them are trying to remember so good as they can, so it’s w/e.


I’ve bookmarked this post

see you guys in 4 years with a shitload of september memes

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oh ok

In the other way around, a really good male friend (I was the marriage witness of his wife) is playing almost only female characters, and he’s really good in it. Some of the other guys are doing some jokes about it, but it’s harmless. He’s mostly playing the “strong independant woman” type, and I’m playing often the “innocent orphan” type, so none of them is a bad clichee.
I think I only flirted once as a D&D character, and funny enough that was me playing a male chara with another female player who was playing a female chara.


yeah, dnd is like acting, but the only thing holding you back from doing whatever it is that you want to do or should do is yourself since it’s just words

I never played the innocent orphan type. I should do so someday.

I’ve a boy, well probably not quite legal age but noone knows exactly when he was born anyways. His mother was a traveling soothsayer, who died when he was pretty young, no idea who his father was. He inherits her special talents, sometimes he knows things he couldn’t possibly know, and sometimes he sees things which aren’t really there (or are they O_o). His talents were amusing enough for the people that he got enough money to survive on the streets without having to steal.
His talents are coming from the godess his mother was worshipping. He wanted to live a pious life and always help others, becoming a paladin… only problem was, no good church wanted to raise him, since eh… this goddess is a lawful neutral minor deity which resides in hell (thx Pathfinder for having awesome lore). Finally he got trained as Paladin by an evil priestess (the typical “lesser evil”, a chara of mine from another campaign, with mostly good-neutral charas).
Now he’s bringing the good to the people, in the name of hell . . .