54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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for the cookie!!!

  • chocolate chip cookie
  • sugar cookie

0 voters

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Can we get like half a cookie at 500 ?


I’d be surprised if this thread even gets to 500 tbh

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I am even more surprised that the cookie haven’t be rotten yet.

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need a more postiive attitude

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Then soaked.

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how long can a cookie last ?

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if it was putted outside…

1 days.

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cookies don’t last that long in my house .

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You need to get the water molecule outside of your house, lol.

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?? Hi

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When this thread finally gets close to 1000 I think we’ll all deserve a cookie

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We need to create forum throne of lies game at here then.

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Oh and hi :slight_smile:

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Why cookies though

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Why not

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would it be against the rules if i set up a bot to either contantly post here, or post here daily?

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