54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Or Mystic (you have to use your day ability to get a nightchat)

if u rolled spectator u dont have a card and arent allowed to post in main chat

I’ve done this before

Was fun would recommend

I was town tho that made it less fun

I suppose I would have known if I was evil if I had two conversation alerts, though

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Unless I was some sort of traitor or neutral

That’s considered cheating.

FM challange: never open your classcard during game

and send actions assuming youre all classes in main thread

Host never gives you your Rolecard and just tells you to send actions whatever those actions might be

I want to scout Hja
I want to check Hja
I want to kill Hja
I want to jail Hja
I want to empower Hja
I want to start a mystic convo wiht Hja


There’s a big reason why people have others confirm in their classcaed

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I mean, the whole point of the game is to have fun without making it not fun for others, unless you’re some sort of insane mafia tryhard.

So if you find it fun to not look at your class card

Go for it



Georgia is so great

the zed scholarship isn’t even that hard lmao

Not if you are going intentionally against the win con of your faction. That makes the game less fun for everyone else.

How would you go against your win con by not looking at the card though?

but its considered game throwing especially with day abilities in FOL like jailing, mystic convos, and scouting. and for the scum team ur actively hurting ur crew if ur not talking to them, and plus ud get alerts. The only one that it be semi ok for would be neuts or nks and then u have to check ur card to see if ur them

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Unless you’re doing intense memeing your goal is usually to act townie regardless of alignments

so why does looking at ur classcard affect that

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