54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

so mafia is game of sucking

The whole point of Mafia is to post 500-word essays while everyone says ‘REMEMBER TO KEEP ARETE IN NULL’ and then townreads you anyway :upside_down_face:

have we played a game before

that never happened :thinking:

Townread Wazza for existing
Townread Arete for wallposts


nods convincingly

I seen you play, I don’t know if I played a game with you

w a l l p o s t s = l o c k t o w n

Post your PhD essay in thread and get help from other players to pass



I have fortnite PhD

get others to help with your Latin project and then to make fun at them when you are presenting it

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It was worth it for the networking

Townread Wazza for existing
Townread Arete for wallposts
Check Datbird N1 hes scum
Mislynch Priestess D2 because she’s claiming neutral

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DANG YOU @Ami making me look dumb. <3 u still Kai

fixed that for you

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I wondered how hard it would be to find a group of people in my school and introduce them to forum mafia and make forum mafia a club lmao

wonder if it’s possible

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Thank you :upside_down_face:

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Don’t lynch confirmed scum because ‘efficiency’