54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Behavioral Analysis
Understanding Perspectives


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Wait that’s a perfect idea, imagine convincing my graphic design teacher to sponsor this. She’s really busy all the time so I don’t know if she would do it but there’s a lot of computers and stuff in there and that’s an essential part of forum mafia.

I feel bad for her, she’s pretty much the go to person when you want something made

Yep, but also try to make distinctions between this club and others

Learn how to think while under pressure

ahh new panic where would they play mafia I most certainly do not want them to know this place

mafia universe

That’s a genius idea

MU easily

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Okay this is feasible I think I can do this

My main problem is talking to a teacher

Would the literature teacher sponsor this

I mean. I think she might, you have to make convincing arguments and you have to learn how to be objective in mafia.

And I have her as my last class of the day

Most teachers in my experience don’t think about the club content too much
More on logistics

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It wasn’t when I took it.

Board Game Club that has mafia sometimes would work a lot better in my opinion. Mafia is an adversarial game and isn’t particularly well suited as sole activity for a schoolclub that should build connections.

Says a mod on a mafia site.

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I can’t convince a literature teacher to host board games

I can convince them to do Forum games however.

Roleplays, Forum Mafia, Ect.