54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Okay challenge accepted.
Choose a type from this page.

i said R A I N B O W S

There are no R A I N B O W S.
Choose one


I beg your pardon

yes i’m Ho-oh

/Battle Litten
I can’t believe you did this.

/Mind read. Sheer cold

You’re not Psychic. You’re Fire.

says who?

Me. I’ve pulled up Litten on my device.

I’m not Litten tho

I’m artucino

I battled Litten ree.
You could’ve told me.

/Call for Backup

should have read my name before assuming I’m a litten /shrug

You did two actions at once?

You’re literally Firekitten!

Oh I didn’t, but there’s physically no move you could have done that could have prevented me from literally one shotting you

*two shot.
I called for backup!