54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

no u

I already gave my Pokémon, I think it’s fair if Simon shares his Pokémon first or his gender.

i have my gender locked down with serious proof.
you give me yours, and i can prove to you im not faking it


i did a little thing in a pm with someone

I called you! Why not me?

you’re not a reliable third party for that very reason.
it would be in your interest to lie about it afterwards, were it a lie.

You better not have used James…
Tell me you used Simon Clark or something.


can i join team articuno?

Psychic Explosion

I have a project i’m working on with Dat
I’ll give three teasers as i enjoy hinting shit


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For the Crown!

i will disclose three things about the
hints. One is the name and two are mechanics

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nasdaq as name as i think you said something about that in the past.
RoC - rate of chage?
unsure what ftc is. perhaps it is for the crown as magnus suggests

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all wrong

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Something we can’t figure out until you tell us, then seems obvious?

Ooh I got a hint, two words:
Economics Baby!


Pikachu don’t care ‘bout economy.
But Magnus does

the answers are rather obvious