54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Rioting only supports people who lynch witches which is town of Salem folks.

actually this would be a perfect backstory of why there is mafia

we teamed with the witch to get rid of the evil townsfolks

Also does anyone know what literature class after 10th grade is suppose to teach us, feel like it’s just a repeat of 10th

Besides American literature we are reading obviously

I’m going to take a wild guess that it varies by school.

at this point in literature we had a test and I literally did not study at all and I’m sure I did fine. We weren’t even aware that the test was happening till 1d before it was happening

fine means missed one to two questions

like they literally asked me what a metaphor was and a simile and I’m like didn’t you ask that every year for the past couple of years

hey, that’s public education for ya

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I never had literature before I started my high school

And because I moved to a private school to high school. The public education here don’t have the subject.

You ever get that weird feeling that something is really wrong but you don’t know what

Hides knife behind back

“No, whatever could you mean? You must be tired, go take a rest.”



Your impending doom is coming upon you.

This is your destiny.


Oh, I understand now. That explains why my fifth clone malfunctioned for no apparent reason.

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@discobot fortune are you lying?

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

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Are implied present tense which means that he was lying in the present, however the only thing he said in the present was a response to your question. Which created a paradox that destroyed the entire universe.

This is universe 2.0. Thank you Htm