54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Love you too

That moment of panic when you click the send button to the teacher about sponsoring the club

I regret things and don’t regret things at the same time ahhhhhh

someone comfort me I have anxiety

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going forward is the only path to progress

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if you don’t make the forum mafia club, who will?

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I was thinking about this and I want to know if it’s morally wrong

What if we held a fundraiser where a person could donate a dollar to suggest a flavor for a rolemadness mash that anyone in the school can participate in, and we held a random draw to chose the flavor of the setup from the donations

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what we would even use the funds for


I mean we aren’t going to travel anywhere, what would we use it for

At this point I don’t know if this would classify as gambling or not






T ha

too slow for me



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oh god no