54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Studying is fun y’all. Just wait until you have work jesus, but you also get money then, which is also fun, soooo good life. ^^

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wait I was replying to post above

I don’t want to study yet but ;w;

Studying is hella fun. Like I loved university.

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i mean the thinking can kinda blend together but the specifics differ quite a bit

It is!!!
I just don’t think I am yet in good mindstate to do so and wanted to get my shit together before jumping. I have little belief I will be able to pass on one this year anyway, soooo…

Or maybe it’s just because of my cram school. It is much less exciting to review content rather than learn it

( ) sleeping
(×) thinking on which philosopher there is for every dnd class. Kant is paladin, August of Hippo is cleric, Buda is monk, Nietzsche is warlock, Aristotle is ranger, Diogenes is druid, Plato is wizard. I really need help for a Fighter, a Bard, a Rogue and a Barbarian, though.

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Me: work on cs
my brain: which philosopher would fit a barbarian


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sun tzu was a taoist philosopher, he could possibly work as a fighter but idk what his philosophy was or whatever or if he was just a philosopher that was really good at strategy and fighting

Aw yes, the good ole left hand zero, right hand zero, zero between numbers, and bunch of other rules.

Multiplication comes first
Is this equation D = (Vi + Vf) / (2*t)?


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andrej pls

how the FUCK does this guy smile so much it’s creepy stop staring into my soul



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I have been going through my discord list finding people who play in different mafia communities and asking them questions to see if I should recommend their website to people at my school