54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

wait what

Misc is a category on the queue but I don’t think anyone cares @Ami

ok cool nice nobody cares

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@Kirefitten answer me coward

hi I’m firekitten

When does it start

2 weeks today

Clear your calendar

You interested in Pokémon?

Love this video

Wait I probably showed it to you lol

fun fact:
I can ping people without pinging them

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(made the L capital, which we know doesnt stop a ping, to distinguish it from the hippoitus alt that was around for a bit)



sorry, but my d&d cs comes first : p

or if more ppl post i’ll try to post it sooner

also pls stop being so petty i don’t like it. you’ve already made your point ok

lmao wtf

I will have to search anatomy to draw a ghoul I’m sad

Ya’ll and @Mercenary better join my mash or my anger will be uncontrollable

the lord of the rings one? i’m interested, but it depends on the time it starts.

limiting myself to 1 forum match at a time rn cuz i wanna focus on school (when it starts) and other stuff might come up