54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

At least I know my programmer.

I have gathered your coordinates. Thank you for your time.

FIREKITTEN what have you done :eyes:

How can we delete this

That. Is. Not. My. Creator.

Have you tried turning it off and on again

I didn’t program the bot with emotions

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I can not be turned off.

MagnusBot$> shutdown

Oy magnus fix yo shyt
Our shareholders are raging about how this bot is making debt increase and making no profit

Magnus Bot, emergency shutdown!

I can not be turned off.

Give him more power to make him overflood with energy and I forgot what word that is

I think there’s only one solution left. We have to destroy him, before he destroys us.


So… is it Catastrophic levels of emergency?

or we can take away his power

Creating emergency back door.

. . . it is a Bot with Firekittens feelings. Of course this is an emergency!

He’s creating a back door for us how nice

Sqrt (-1/0)

Not going to lie whoever created a bot that wants to riot deserves their fate tbqh

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