54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was also very disappointed on the quiz it was so easy

I found it insulting how easy it was

Usually it just raises ur GPA thats pretty much it, I know my college level classes in HS counted as like 1.25x the worth of a remedial class when it came to GPA

how do you raise a gpa or even calculate it if it’s a 101 or something

couldnt tell ya man

But yeah

I’m bored

I should study more

Maybe go back to coffee. Life was much easier with coffee.

Never tried coffee but heard it would do the exact opposite of what I would want coffee for to me so

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Busy. Little to no time for mafia. Can’t say why either :frowning:

Mathblade is running from the FBI, I got u I understand

Lol wouldn’t be posting online if that was true

They would never think to check the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like MathBlade used to run from the fbi


Hey, do any of you guys automatically log out sometimes if you go to another tab?


Do you mean Incongito mode?

Or however you say it

No. Regular tabs.