54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


check out my very serious and good pretender re work!

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new phone who dis

i don’t know but they say that they’ll let my family go if I post all their reworks for them
apparently i have to do a prince buff next

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Why on earth is your name that

@Icibalus next mash when

I’ve had one nearly finished for months, it’s just there’s not a large enough playerbase to support a 28p here right now.

Ok well you better join my 25p mash, I have a couple of irl friends coming to play it so I think it will fill.


@Icibalus also, would you like to work together on a setup sometime?

maybe not

That is very indecisive :angry:

i’m doing research on Steven Berkoff for homework, shush

what the fuck did you do to your name

All will be revealed. In time. Honestly, I’m not sure either.

Blink once if you are being blackmailed


but I can’t change my name

@Kirefitten let’s have a conversation and snipe 20k


what is a conversation

I think it’s a plant of some sort.