54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

may I spam this with art progress since we are near the cookie



cookie thread is designed for spam


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PFFF what the fuck that’s insane but in a good, hilarious way lmao

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Cool story.
Vampiric forum? Whaaat?




LMAO that had me so confused for a second damn that is a good post

i counter with https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/alvqxp/magic_the_gathering_rules_and_invitees_for/

mano eu sempre

I’m drawing since 1 PM aaaaa

honestly giving up on this, I don’t have the skill to continue the work

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skin got hella nice but I can’t do mouths at all.

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 Shutting down to do repairs.
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I just couldn’t turn it off, so i broke it.

I really needed to get on this thread, y’kno?

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i got a udemy thing that teaches u how to draw but i haven’t had enough time to watch all the vids and it makes me kinda sad that i haven’t so i’d be willing to hare the acc user+pass with u if u want?

ofc yes uwu

[19:42] – Achei que como um Capitão, deveria ter sua própria luneta * Sorria * – Não seja bobo… eu não fiz nada demais, só quis conhecê-lo, ouvi-lo e ajudá-lo um pouco.
[19:43] Rhahnan (Angelloh) saiu da conversa
[19:44] – Algo que ninguém fez no passado! Ele olha sério para a mulher. – Não aja como se fosse algo simplório, o que fez por mim foi único e eu sei muito bem reconhecer o valor deste esforço!
