54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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hi, I’m Aussie, give me god status

Well I am the best aussie :wink:

Aussie free for all
Winner gets FoL mod


Can I get ex FoL mod

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what but there was no nudity or heavy sexual profanity which is the definition of nsfw

it was just a comic that had the pornhub logo that i reposted

also from a meme site that doesn’t allow nsfw memes so :thonk:



It wasn’t even me
Just try to be on the safe side, I guess

but i am

i checked the definition of nsfw and my memes aren’t from a site that allows it

so you’re saying we’re supposed to be pg13 or something instead??

Be careful what you wish for :wink:

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Ahhhhhh a Judge watches

I’m just a friendly Observer, I promise.

Why is this a fake claim every single time I’m playing with you


Hey, I don’t always fakeclaim Observer, sometimes I roll BD and don’t have to fakeclaim at all.

Confess, you became only Judge because you wanted to flee the “Guide fake claims Obs, exe them” meme

Well, see, now it’s the ‘Judge claiming Obs, exe’ meta, and there’s fewer Judges, which means fewer Standard Metagameable Judge Fakeclaims.

Yesterday I fake claimed Obs in jail n1, and I got as answer “post logs every day or you get exed” … I posted logs, but they weren’t good enough, so he just jail exed me n4 :eyes:

One of these days, I’m going to roll actual Obs, and none of you are going to believe me :upside_down_face:

I don’t feel so good.