54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

because it would sound like it was an inside joke to outside people, but you ruined it

btw selfie isn’t 7 letters

You know what screw it the answer’s “myself” I think I might do a face reveal kinda thing

Close enough
You win a nickel

nerbins, having your fave on the Internet is awful idea

oh fuck what i was right

wait is that actually u tho

pls say no

that’s horrifying

that smile

Yeah fair enough I won’t

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not joking

Everything you say and do will be held accountable imagine a future employer seeing everything you wrote on the forums

You know
I know you’re joking but still that’s not me
Dat knows this he chose the image

I gotcha I won’t
I’ll make something stupid instead probably another PFP mosaic

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Nerbins join Lord of the Rings

Become the army of firekitten

Everyone use my pfp

we shall take over this forum

Sure why not maybe I can get another town friend lynched

Where did your old pfp go?

I’m good actually


yeah i was joking but i forgot for the first second and actually believed you


meme time
