54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m dying from this

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what’s passion really

if you think about it

is there a difference between addiction and passion?


but you can have both at the same time

What defines addiction? Is loving playing video games an addiction? If you are passionate about forum mafia are you addicted to it?

What’s the line that people draw that separates the two

When u cant live ur life without it, or that’s prob a good definition

too much of it

when it starts to become a hazard to your health or become a detriment to you or something

the internet probably explains it better than i do

That’s the difference

water, food, air


i like how we all have different explanations and viewpoints

I’m addicted u know

Hi addicted u know, I’m Geyde


Give me air, now or FKs gonna get it. points gun

I’m currently planning on building assault microwaves to throw at people to kill society

ah, a fellow gamer i see

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Yo anyone up for a round or two of wolfia?

not home rn, sorry

maybe if more ppl join tho

It was actually a joke meant to be a pun from a YouTube channel but I’ll take the unintentional credit

O_o Firekitten can read thoughts