54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Guy has been just trying to flame since he started talking
Honestlyit isn’t worth it to discuss

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That’s why I asked on gray nicknames. I wouldn’t report someone already banned.

Ah makes sense, yeah, grey name means complete Newbie (level 0) or banned.

Anyway the guy should be a known one of orange so it all points out to being from that off-forum of ToS I forgot the name

I never played ToS



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I was reading that again and omgf

personally im partial to Change the most
with Independent Together at a close second

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$a2 será que dá bastante kakera o react

Who is Carl

I know who Carl is :upside_down_face: but I say nothing

Just replace squidward with Carl

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Where did Carl come from and where did he go???

what happened to possessed


What happened to you? What did you do to Carl!?

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Sulit has replaced Possessed.

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