54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

alright give me 5 minutes to do work for a class then give me 10 minutes to make a speech

Alright so I don’t actually have time to do a speech but basically, I want to do it so setups aren’t just allowed because they seem alright. Some people just skim by setups and see nothing wrong at first glance and allow it to pass.

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Real thoughts here

Factional Claimvig:
Instead of their normal night action, a member of the Mafia may choose to attack a player that has claimed their role publicly (must consult with the mod for what constitutes a claim). This will bypass healing but not bulletproof.

Factional Claimvig (v2):
Mafia may choose collectively dayvig a player that has claimed, bypassing everything. This may be done x times per day, where x is equal to the amount of players alive divided by 8

Day claimvig with a claimvig backup on the mafia team


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I really love hosting those can we get 7 players

@Mercenary lmao merc you saw that

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The fuck is this

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You dont want to know


Town Fruit Vendor (w/ Universal Backup)
Town Tracker
Town Jailkeeper
Vanilla Town x7
Mafia Tracker
Mafia Inheriting Ninja
Mafia Inherently Strongwilled


Rate pfp

That a JoJo one?

I don’t think so

Oh wait it’s, hmmm

endgame meme


Well, according to these following quotes from the wiki;

“Echo Romeo-Actual was assigned to immediate containment breach. When we realized just how big a breach we were dealing with, we were completely overwhelmed. Funny, how even the best and brightest minds in the world can be so unprepared.”

”So you are saying it is your own fault?”

“Absolutely not. This was a new discovery in SCP-096’s behavior. We had no way to know, and we are lucky it did not turn into an XK.”

Dr. Dan: Yes. This is Project SCRAMBLE, an eyepiece we assigned to ER-A and MTF-Tau-1, designed by Dr. Oleksei and myself specifically for SCP-096. It carries a small microprocessor which constantly analyzes the viewing field for the facial features of SCP-096. Facial recognition software inside instantly identifies them, scrambling the image into an unrecognizable mess before the light reaches the human eye. It’s quite ingenious, really.

Major Jack Wilford (Current commander of MTF Tau-1): I was looking through SCP-096-1’s house with my squad. Poor bastard was a semi-pro mountaineer, took a trip to the █████████. Apparently he took a snapshot of the landscape, and just happened to catch SCP-096 in the background.

[Wilford holds up four fingers for emphasis]

Wilford: Four pixels. Four fucking pixels. I doubt the guy even knew what he saw. He was probably just lookin’ at the picture one day, noticed an off-color patch of snow, and went on with his day.

Interviewer: So the SCRAMBLE gear was ineffective?

Wilford: Ineffective? The goddamn SCRAMBLE were pieces of shit that killed the whole damn task force. You know only three people are alive besides me? All because some retard egghead thought of a “state-of-the-art countermeasure to SCP-096’s hostile reaction.” Those bloody idiots could have just put a bag over the target’s head and be done with it but no, we had to use state-of-the-fucking-art SCRAMBLE.

If you’re interested in this entire incident


I would say, literally one piece would suffice, because you don’t have to be aware of seeing 096’s face to trigger it’s reaction.

I nearly clicked this you son of a bitch

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You mean… lol.

You know guys