54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Listen, securityOverride(true), you don’t need to break anything.

Check. Breaking tests are optional. Top priority is now removing threats like this permanently.

I… ugh… heck…
Just go to your station and await further orders.

goes on standby

Now how the hell do I fix this broken piece of hardware. :thinking:

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Have you tried turning her off and on again?

That sounds wrong

I smell cookies. :eyes:

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the hardware appears to be functional, sir.
it seems that the software is whats malfunctioning



I’m having troubles with turning her on.

No, it cannot be a software issue. Afterall it’s my code and my code is perfect. Some of the hardware must be malfunctioning.

so, she actually knew that breaking mugs was not the correct thing to do, just her artificial voicebox distorted her voice into saying otherwise, in addition to her mistakenly dropping the mug?
Sir, when you have some free time i suggest you look up “Occam’s razor” on wikipedia


This is really some /r/outofcontext gold.

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we shall get discobot the gold