54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

At schoolbus


Speaking of which literature teacher is too busy for the club

be me
kenku wizard
be not me
cleric and warlock

me and the bois fighting an ettin
ettin pushes cleric out of cliff
I save his butt with feather fall
ettin hits the warlock hard and he falls prone
since cleric isn’t around I save his butt with a potion

fight ends
warlock didn’t even realize he passed out
cleric climbed the cliff back and kept saying on how his goddess saved him

kenku wizard never claims the deed and is still called useless by the warlock



Can I buy the krusty krab

yeah cuz you’re so BAD lmao


The person playing that character will not be happy.

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definitely not if they’re gonna keep getting clapped like this

just joking tho xD, don’t have any ill intent

Von Karma cries as 3 minutes have passed.


“The prosecution asserts that the victim died to a pencil stab, from lead poisoning!”


“I am ready to give my verdict.”


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psst hey, you… yeah you. you like danganronpa, right? here, have this.

for danganronpa fans ONLY!!1! that means true fans not fakes!! no peeking if not danganronpa fan or DIE!1!11!



I peeked at the link.
I didnt touch the link.

I am a heathen now.


I just remembered the temporal travel scene at a game and it made me sad because it was a good game

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Guys find a monolith which will take out the heaviest burden (the past) from someone
Monolith chooses a divorced guy, because he destroyed himself since he got divorced
Monolith asks if he wants to make the woman become as she was before (loving him)
The old wife is on the group and gets angry telling him not to and that her decisions mattered
If you accept, screen twists and they both get back to their old sprites (you played with them in the past so it is really old sprite)
Another character then reads the monolith, saying the decision was already made and that it was a fake timeline
And that in the real timeline, the two other characters got divorced and the guy changed the past by bringing Sarah back on how she was before
Old Sarah reacts really happy to that, that even in other timelines the man kept loving her, saying how romantic he was
Monolith then asks if he wishes to regret from the decision and go back to the real timeline

Would you rather never change clothes but always take a shower or never take a shower but always changes clothes

Never change cloths

Think about it, every time you take a shower you are getting dirty again by putting the old ones on

Well my constitution is a +3 and I have proficiency in saving throws using that ability

Shower in the clothes and clean them