54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Also we are close dammit I need sleep tho

I am going to get the cookie, don’t @ me.


Pobre Mike que só acha que é livre.

An idea that is against global forum rules… :upside_down_face:

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Since hippo didnt Take that name can you rename me to

The only people, who could do it, should know its against the rules.
(But I love the idea)

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I just found the best quote ever in a book:

When in doubt, start a War…


Love it

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Never watched it but can we talk on how hood of a show SU is

It’s a solid april fools as long as it’s somewhat regulated

A planta não se alimenta dos pequenos mamíferos, mas os atrai para que eles depositem seus dejetos nela (cocô).

What happened to my pfp?

No idea
Also hey you’re back

1 Like

It was always like that?

It was not always like that I think

Psycho use to have Johnny Joestar PFP

ok wow when the music actually starts it’s such a bop

reminds me of cuphead sorta

and the voice range is really impressive


hello yes i am the greatest wolf game player of all time

ask me anything, you have my attention span for about 24 hours before i disappear and possibly never return