54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Oh it will be in :smiley:


I’d say by the end of the month it should be all written out, and then once its approved and the current or mashes in front of it are done it will go on

Wait are you making jojo themed mash

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yup part 5 themed cause its my favorite from what i read. Only read/watched 1-6 so far

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This sounded a lot worse until I read the context of the class


A thought for a game mode that sounds absolutely idiotic.

A game mode where you know everyone else’s role card but not your own. In a game where the amount of Mafia is unknown and your abilities are unknown.

But yet you know everyone else’s and their abilities

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This actually sounds fun.

how does one do night actions

I was just told to turn it into a misc game and so meh. I lost motivation.

You can cross reference to discover your own class.
Player 1: I know A, B, C, D, E and F
Player 2: I know B, C, D, E, F and G
Player 1: Alright I’m G
Player 2: Alright I’m A
Player 3: Alright I’m C
Player 4: Alright I’m B
Player 5: Alright I’m E
Player 6: Alright I’m D

Yeah but then what about Mafia people? They would get a chat. And know already. Making it absolutely simple for mafia.

It is then just one of those games where you know every player and their role but not their alignment

we should bring back the SFoL 30

the one that got cancelled by because of Htm

which one is 30 i couldnt find it by searching?

It was called mastermind

basicaly it was a SFoL, where once per day, the player could ask or do something, and the host would grant them that thing

For example, if i wanted you gagged, the host would oblige and give you a post restriction.

there was also a class called the Overmind, which is a meme if you were a part of the game. the class knew every action, and what class everyone was.

Htm became this class, released info that he wasnt supposed to, and Jazz canned it.

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sounds fun honestly

Anyone here know when the forum was made? Like the exact day?

To be more specific the day it was open to the public?

imma assume its the date eevee is hyping up