54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wait what?

check the hype thread/the painter game that just opened

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Yeah I saw that what’s that got to do with this, though?

Wait never mind didn’t read the whole OP

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Thats prob the date it opened

It’s part of it.

Yeah that makes sense

So it became open to the public 9/29/16, maybe?
Xblade was here in like March of that year but that can’t be when it was open

I hope SFoL 53 doesn’t start until after the painter thing, I really want to play both.

Hey Nuke, remember the Mexican Standoff game?

I do. What about it?

Maybe that can happen again, cuz that first one was really fun?

idk maybe?


Invisible Intangible Dragon without Corporal Heat


Day 1 of playing around with Discord and bots:

I have made it past the configurations and prefixes. I will soon make the best investigation bot in history! Wahahaha!

Also me: Fuck Secure Coding

UPDATE: It broke. I regret not secure coding.


No robot will beat a human detective! …Or at least not if I sabotage it. #StopRobotsTakingOurJobs



I relate to that one