54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

so is the campaign starting today or later?

or still deciding?

Honestly everything I love all your setups

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Host them all at once!

Chaos will reign supreme!

Still deciding
School is hard enough that doing campaign endangers my grades

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What’s Auction House Mafia?
Sounds fun.

I could be misreading but I think this should say ‘six.’

Posting this here because it’s not a class idea.


I was so close! aaagghhhh. Shakes fist

I read good

Oh my god I don’t even need to look at the mechanics the formatting is so good I want another one hosted.



@Alice that happened when I tried to open a japanese game. Maybe you know?

here is the readslist the doc player sent me in private

Muzzy (Mafia RB/VT)
Vitoria (Goon/RB/VT)
Anna (Newb VT)
Wolfy (Goon/VT)
Clau (VT)
Nay (Cop)
Lucas (Newb VT)
Elli (Newb VT)

it is almost 100% accurate
he guessed the scumteam right, it is the two players he put in as “goon”.

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Set Japanese locale


Type “set locale (windows version/Mac)”
(In google)

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Also this is more ranting, but giving someone a way to cheat, hurts THEM even if they didn’t cheat, because people will always doubt them or whether or not they cheated.

This happened a lot of times where I did something on purpose just to avoid anyone being able to say I cheated or not. For example, I told nerbins when he was asking about making a soda themed mafia game that there was a game on MU about to run about soda’s and he wanted to spectate it, which I told him don’t do it just watch the game uninformed. I didn’t tell him at the time, but I did that on purpose so people wouldn’t be able to say I cheated with getting him to spectate

and they still did because I was wrong all game until the last day where I figured out the whole scum team there and Eevee was also spectating

It’s very frustrating to be called a cheater when you didn’t cheat, so avoiding that makes it better for the person even if they never would cheat.


Give me ideas for a setup

bastard troll game

I honestly have no clue how to do bastard games well