54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I will be Boomer

to the tune of No Mercy

“I’m already Boomer.”

I accidentally took the wrong meds, I took the one that would make me stay up all night instead of the ones to help me sleep

I had to put my hand in my mouth to touch the ball thing to make me throw it up

imagine not being able to throw up at will


theory confirmed: jevil can only go to sleep if he is knocked out by some means

Make firekitten touch his own uvala for maximum effectiveness


Since some peeps are talking about it, I’ll note that my future game is probably going to end up being sent back to the queue when it comes time for it.

Even with Luxy’s help I’m finding that the process of making 37 rolecards and getting them at least a little balanced is very difficult, especially due to a few instances of flavour limitations.

@Kirefitten @Emilia


Noo not this, where are my colour pencil sharpeners?

I can make a second Shurian if you have ideas

A ‘Serious Shurian’ with colour pencil sharpeners that work as a vig if you use them against a player with a different class color than you.

That win con XD

It’s the best part of the class.

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hydra masquerade. (as in, 2 people per slot, but still 1 posting account per slot)
not only do you not know the other players, the other players have 2 voices that you have to distinguish between

Random Thought:

If you call your twin a failed abortion or adopted, isn’t it technically a suicidebywords?

Pretty sure that was thought of and Xblade didn’t approve.
I like the idea though.

WazzaAzza is feeling ignored. :slightly_frowning_face:

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its mu


As an experienced twin I would think not