54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Look at what I found!
It’s @Margaret

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Margaret has a stalker confirmed


Perhaps we should warn her over discord

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Today’s (Well technically last night at 11pm) my anniversary on the forums. One year ago I came here for a meme competition and have stayed since, joined my first FM like a month later and have been hooked. Good year yall let’s make it 2 years


there’s a light inside your soul… slowly shrinking in the cold!


I wish there was a giant dump

Where I could deposit all my completely random thoughts

A diary!

@sulit you may open Popcorn Mafia

@Geyde join this with me https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/24308-Doctor-s-Paradise-17er-Sign-ups?p=3617833#post3617833

Does anyone know why I feel extremely tired and drained the past three days despite 8 hours sleep a night?

I saw a persona 5 royal spoiler

and i want to fucking die.

Just die then
Problem solved


it would leave my family in shambles.

Did you join the mu game?


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I’m quite afraid of MU so…


I slanked and replaced out of 5 games there

We can be scared together

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tfw hosting a game and in like 3 games
I don’t feel like I can handle it

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you should all join my game nerds.