54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You know you can just use hex color codes, right? Anyway, purple should be close enough.


U right

Search forum formatting tips guide or something.

It’s feasible to (roughly) measure without any tools
They are applicable to most building things

Jake nobody wants to play where they can’t fucking play.


They can play. In fact, this role is more Pro-Town than Jailor.

Star Finger (Day): Poke target player. They will be informed they were hit by the Star Finger. (infinite uses)

Are the colors you want.

your role is that you die, before you can, y’know, do anything, and that alters the game. After that you get to push buttons for a few days. How fun.

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If i rolled this class, i would reroll it.

Cough How people play mafia Cough

It never says anythng about it being unable to be resurrected, which would overpower it.

Mafia has a social aspect of it too that unless theres a priest or resurrection this class surely misses out on

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It’s more likely than not there are no resurrectors in the game.

I would hate to play this class. everyone would hate to play this class. This class is the opposite of what FM is actually about.

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What about a Vanilla town?

100x better because they have, y’know, a vote and a voice.

Jake, i am going to host a forum mafia, where the twist is nobody talks. They just push buttons and hope.

would that be fun?

They have the speaking aspect they dont have the buttons. VT in a FOL like environment sucks cause they are significantly worse than everyone else. But in a FM environment where theres more VTs than prs it’s a great class

okay the change looks better

Fixed this for you.