54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute






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I don’t agree not facts

Liar! You didn’t like the post!

rules aren’t definite

Rules are indefinite

Just because rules aren’t definite doesn’t automatically mean they are indefinite.

rules only exist so there can be rational exceptions to them
no deontological system of ethics has ever, y’know
actually worked

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Except Communism.

Blame english :stuck_out_tongue:


not an ethical system but a political philosophy, but sure, I guess?

Is this a rule :thinking:

principles and rules are different things

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You can turn some aspects of communism into a deontological ethics system if you try hard and believe in yourself

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rules and hierarchy are dumb

This post was made by anarchy gang

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Yes but would you say that as a rule for someone

Anarcho nazbol gang