54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This perspective is objectively correct :^)


just dont mention it at all when introducing them. if it comes up as important to the plot, sure, if not, leave it.
or perhaps have the misgender them soon after meeting them, then have the character in question correct them, and then move on. because its accepted enough for people to not care about it, but not enough for it to be a conclusion a given person would make without prior information.

hey, maybe the character in question could go on a small rant about it to MC, to exposit the situation, then have the MC be all like “actually im cool with it i just didnt know” “oh” and have it be a neat moment.
or maybe have them talk about what it was like “in the past” (whether the information is from their memory or hand-me-down from a parent or someth) and how its different.

just spitballing though



Join the Game, or lose your Fame

New class type just dropped :wolf:

NK with extra steps


@katze I love when you :newspaper_roll: me

I’m the only furry here!

looks around suspiciously for Diggity

I did a sportsball and it didn’t even make me regret existing

This is probably the most shocking plot twist of my forum career


what was it

Intramural broomball

1 Like

Sports are fun
Dedicated stuff regarding sports a little less so


im sorry i can’t hear you over lsu winning the natty

It turns out that sports suck somewhat less when you’re not playing with a bunch of people who kind of hate you


Highkey agree

don’t you mean
geaux tigers

America wins
Yet again

the browns made a horrid hire and this is how i need to feel better

Time to play ‘am I actually getting meaningful benefits from this or is it the placebo effect’