54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ugh kat

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Ugh kat


tfw you’re watching House MD and you fucking know the episode where House is proven right about all ace people being liars is coming but you also reallly enjoy the series most of the time, and you can’t get angry about it to your parents because they’re literally the only people in your life you’ve kept your sexual orientation secret from


This is a really strange way to say “Ugh kat”


ugh dog kat

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I wonder where this came from

i gotta make an “Ugh kat” class

or employ someone to do it for me because i have no creativity


I like going on personality tests results subs to get some relatable memes but god why is everyone on those communities so insufferable
worthy to edit that not everyone.

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They arent happy with the results

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No like they take them up as if they were signs
as I always check the communities of my type for relatable memes it is always the same 2010 cringe of EMOTIONS vs LOGICZ
Nowadays though you can see one shy underliked comment saying that this dichotomy is bullshit but they are still too few, mostly because the community repels those people
At least the BRAINS not LOOKS notlikeothergirls one is dying.

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Ew those personality results things.

We did one in like 5th grade and it was kinda a shitstorm.

Everyone was arguing about what was better etc.

I got the polar opposite(enfp) vs my grandfather(istj) and he was really upset

Funny thing is The same exact thing happened with my mom some 40 years ago.

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afaik me and hja and like half the internet be intp

I’m isfj-a

The internet informs me that I’m INTJ



as the internet tells me

4 times



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I’m throwing my SAT-examlike score on all med unis just to see if I would pass on med school
currently the answer is no

what u get on the SATs?

It is the Brazil :tm: version and it is called ENEM
but I got:

Languages, Codes and their Technologies - 616.9
Human Sciences and Technologies - 664.5
Natural Sciences and its Technologies - 613.2
Mathematics and its Technologies - 818.5
Essay - 700