54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

who said that and in what context

be the change you want to see in the world

look I thought he was just trying to reactiontest me and doing a really bad job

i said that and in the context of me banging my head against the desk somehow devolving into “banging the desk against italy’s head”

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i was watching it happen live

it was very funny

i enjoyed it very much

ily arete

never change

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this right here

kat stop talking and do your work

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also yes it was hillarious
it’s the kind of thing you sign up to play mafia for, if that makes sense?
the silly conversations that barely anybody sees
that’s why i love neighbourhood chats so much

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having to manage both royal chat and link chat was annoying at first

but n1 entertained me cause marshal was trying to solve my gender

that link chat in n4 made it all worth it

speaking of which the Ami/Arete DM chain was hillarious in ToLFM

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your gender is katze


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something about a vig and a vt fakeclaiming serial killer roleplaying romeo and juliet is funny for some reason

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also don’t look below the post i made
it is cursed

I was really worried that it was going to make you uncomfortable :eyes:

i live for fake romantic nonsense
real romantic nonsense is where i draw the line

speaking of which can we talk about how I was like ‘btw Ami outed as SK to me D1 and I didn’t out her’ and only 1 person saw that as remotely suspicious

what was the chairman anyways

wrong thread, but to answer your question it was a fake dumb concept i made up to trick some poor person into thinking they weren’t a VT

biggest F


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