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can someone give me a good 9-player setup

Joat 9

elaborate por favor

2 goon 1 cop 6 vanilla works I think

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it was run here before, rather fun

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That one looks more fun if it balanced I guess

well it had me as Joat so pretty balanced as I fucked up got 1 mafia goon and immediatly nked but then the other got to end game

@N.1 you could always try to go water only whenever that rolls around

lenten promises never worked for me because i’m not religious but give something up anyways.

it’s just not that strong of a conviction for me.

new years resolutions dont rlly work well for me either but i was planning to cut sugary drinks anyways so i decided to do it then

the jewish version of lent is called yom kippur, the day of atonement. Usually about 10 days after Rosh Hashannah (the jewish new year).

It mainly involves around 8 hours of praying / services as well as unbreakable fasting from dawn until dusk on that one day per year.


if i were u i’d try to go water only during that time (if you actually do want to stop drinking juices)
the first like 2 weeks are kinda hell but after that it’s rlly not hard besides the occasional urge to drink something sugary

Rosh hashannah and yom kippur are known as the jewish high holidays. They involve skipping school to go to services for the entire day those two days every fall semester

and for me it’s easy now cuz i’d only ever relapse on coke or mtn dew and only if it were in a can, and my dad gets 2 liters of diet mtn dew which i don’t like so unless i go out of my way i can’t get soda i’d want to drink anyways

If i eat something savory, I crave something sugary, and then if i eat something sugary, I crave something savory again
It’s a vicious cycle that I feel helpless on breaking.

as the resident Person With One Jewish And One Catholic Parent I feel like Yom Kippur and Lent are kind of different for the purposes Marshal is talking about

in particular I think Lent being 40 days is relevant to its usefulness in breaking habits

alcohol is harder but i disposed of my stashes and the only thing my parents have now is white claw and bud light and i’d rather just not.

That is fair I did not know that.
That makes me imagine ramadan as lent on steroids.

yeah lent is 40 days but tbh 10 days is still enough to try something out, and connecting religion with wanting to break a habit might work for some people.

Tbf i think it’s everything on steroids
I’m pretty sure it involves 12-hour-awake-straight fasting for at least a month straight