54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Again you’re gonna need to use Discord tbh

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kk, doing that

mostly i don’t want to have to change everything when i have this reviewed :upside_down_face:

I should read a book

I find the prospect of reading rn boring but when I start reading it’s good

but when I stop I find it boring again

and I don’t feel like doing it

even though I know I’ll probably enjoy it

this is a weird problem

Here you go



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It’s worm

It’s great

Full book is online because he’s not done editing a version for print yet

raises hand

lowers hand

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Worm is #5 and its sequel is #1


as for web fiction as a whole, no thanks

But Worm is solid, definitely gonna get whatever hardcover set comes out

I kinda wanna reread a book an base a setup off of it

It’d be cool tbh

and I’d actually be able to write decent flavor

i mean, perhaps not on there, but have you read anything else by wildbow?
im currently reading twig and its pretty good

I’d be down to WormFM

have you read illuminae


yes, great material 10/10

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wanna make a setup with me if I read it again

ill take amazing typography for 500, alex

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