54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

cursed image, do not open


The main problem with homestuck is that I can now never take triangle sunglasses seriously ever again

I mean I probably wasn’t supposed to in the first place because they’re triangle sunglasses but whatever



worm fm?

i’d have to flesh out a lot of details tho but it’s possible if i had help

wait it is orange, right

how bad is this

I don’t know if it is physically possible for the thread to reach 9000 classes


it’s an incentive to try

Also I don’t think a class should be forced to make a low amount of posts.

One of the biggest problems with SFoL 41 was that barely anyone posted. Posting is kinda the fun of PRs

ok i’ll change that then

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Currently at airport.

Now I need to wait for 1 hour and 50 minutes ;-;

thanks i hate it


huh Seems like some friends lists in the past day or 2 showed your friends last online status instead of Offline. While this didn’t affect the # online count, it did cause confusion with your friends status looking like they were Reaped or something.

@MaximusPrime @Geyde

can I join in

also where are my D Boys

whats a dboy

I think I heard that somewhere else before :thinking:


the prisoners of the SCP facility who are used as testing subjects.

It’s a secret.