6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins


I genuinely think you are scum now trying to get an opportunity to frame me as your scum bud since you are getting lunched

/vote Scumz

Your whole plays change.

You are most likely framing me.

This honestly feels like you are trying so hard at distancing tbh.

I’m not distancing and this is scumz.

You think a player like Sam would slip that info like that?

Literally you went from him being null to him being scum in a matter of seconds.

He is clearly framing me.

Of course my read would change with that post.

His defence to your posts deflected on to me.

He was trying to frame me.

Why are you so sure he mafia now tho?

Ok htm…

You’re the secomd vote tomorrow. You’re pretty much open wolfing right now by saying he’s framing me, he’s framing me. Please stop framing me!

Seriously…you a pretty much changing my read on Fire of him being scum, while you seem to be digging yourself deeper into a hole!

You are speaking in absolute.

You are either Sith or also Mafia.

Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to plan this out in day chat but failed miserably

It’s just that he wouldn’t say that as town.

It just seems scummy.

I tell you what else was scummy which you failed to pick up. The fact Sam suggested an idea of Lost Wolves.

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Wait what?

Look for it yourself…

Why should we help you why we’re suspecting you to be heavy scum right now. You’re just not being voted cuz you’re more the low hanging fruit

Because if I’m town then I can contribute and help town?

It’s not going to hurt town in any way if I’m scum.


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How is you giving me info about this

hurting town?

It’s literally suggesting he didn’t read the OP which I find highly unlikely, it’s asking to be town read for not knowing anything.

Also, the fact that you immediately picked up on him trying to frame you.

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