6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

I guess the reached an acceptable level. Where people can’t town read me. Basically means my behavior is like Celeste’s. So this when I play scum I will be pretty set. I will flip town. Wolfy is completely wrong.

Basically pushing me for doing RVS. And not hard pushing on D1. Idk what to say about that. Really the push is off nothing. Anyways when htm is voting me and says Wolfy is bussing me. Basically says wolfy is scum and not voting him. 7 votes on my wagon. In a very short time. I am isolated and besides for solic who basically said like 1 sentence about how I could flip town and then says htm/Sam scum team no one is defending me. Well it seems scum are playing well and pushed the easiest mislynch of all me. Although I would say I believe 2 ore more scum are in my wagon. Just scum read them when I flip town. Thanks

Note to self: never sheep wolfy, firekitten or sarun because they are usually wrong. Sarun was pulling some shade at me though but the others are hard pushing

I say firekitten/sarun scum team and wolfy is just an idiot

That would make hip an idiot as well then :thinking:

Why hell bent on just me, like solic?

Maybe actually, htm is not scum, but could be VI instead

Hip yolo voted me because I tried to tell him Ryan was kicked off so take it easy on him. It wasn’t serious until the sheep scum sheep we him

No I am saying you are a mistaken town not scum. Which is better than scum in some peoples opinions

No after htm voted me I am pretty sure he is scum. He sheeped me just to blend in

Ok. True Ryan might have been kicked from the tournament, but there was absolutely no reason to do so. This to me suggests higher level of ATE being used, and trying to be LAMIST by saying take it easy on him

My scum team I would think is fire / htm / sarun.

More so sure on fire and htm than sarun

Back to my point here, it looks like you’re attempting to buddying up to Ryan.

English please I speak half fm. You think it was lamist because I was looking for a friends feelings? Sorry I know fm is important but not as important as other thibgs

Anyways. That was just a suggestion Ryan should be reading me as anything he would like. Also you think Ryan is that bad to get pocketed. Don’t really think so

I’m saying there’s a time and place to bring things up. This is entirely the wrong time to since this looks like your buddying/pocketing Ryan.

Even the best of us can be pocketed. Hip even admitted he can be if he likes a person based on behviour and actions. Even I can be of convinced well enough. Hell, what if Fire is pocketing me now for example?

Anyways how long till I die?

I’m not sure how to feel and as I mentioned on the other thread I am busy today, travelling.
I’ll try and get some good contributions later.

About 13 hours or less. Would help if there was a countdown/eod counter @Icibalus for the rest of the game to help please.

Is it only me that thinks it isn’t odd that 7/12 people think I am scum?

Not really weird, no.

Can we extract as much info from this as possible? What do I need to do. If I die I might as well make a lot of interactions so people can read no?

Maybe the usual stuff. If you were not scum, who would the think the team mates are. You listed down two people as scum, but not a third. :thinking:

I think I caught you out there, since everytime you suggested a scum team, you had Sarun and htm. I feel like you’re waiting for someone to act suspicious so you can add them to your scum read list, but right now, you’re stuck.

Essentially, if this the case, we can determine whether htm is scum or not. Right now, it looks like he is open wolfing and trying to blend in by bussing you. But at the same time, he can be the VI and Fire is actually scum. In terms of Solic being scum in my reads, his alignment may also flip based on your flip as he could also be distancing, but is hell bent on me being scum, as if he knows I’m a danger right now. Does this also mean that my initil say of Alfa is scum is also right, and he is trying to protect her?

So many things can be found after your flip.