6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

Let’s compare someone’s meta to a game 2 months ago or compare it to a meta recently? Which one is preferable? :eyes:

Ok then.

Scum team is htm, Sam and you. Change my mind

You’re ignoring half of my posts, so there is no use in convincing you. I just have to convince the rest.

Perhaps you can’t hold the argument. Only reason I “missed” much of your wall of text was cuz you were twisting my interactions with other players.

If I’m “twisting” something, call me out on it. Clarify it. The burden of proof is on you here. I made my argument.

Out of us two, who would they likely listen to more though? A somewhat newbie who still appers to be open wolfing too much much and twisting words, or someone who had a bit more experience and can actually win as scum

Slip detected!?

It’s okay Wolfy, newbies can sometimes catch you out. That’s just how it is.


You’re suggesting I wanted to push Alfa when I didn’t. You’re suggesting I’m so confident on her being scum, ehen in fact, I said just a guess. Doesn’t mean I stand by it because you know what a guess is? A guess! It’s fucking not difficult to guess what I meant by that

Ladies, calm down, you’re both beautiful.
I think you need to look into intentions more deeply.
Why do I feel like this is Ici deathtunneling town all over again

No, you have not. You literally ignored half of my posts on the initial wall of text post I made.

You SHOULD actually have pushed someone at RVS. That’s what town does. Scum just tries to shut conversation down and appear to be pushing someone. You have done exactly the latter. You shut down Fk’s accusation of me and you wanted to look like you were pushing Alfa. You also have flipflopped on whether you genuinely think she’s scum or if you were just doing it for reactions.

Because I mentioned arrogance. Dw i got the same feeling

Where is your vote? This is a literal slip up where he refers to himself as scum.

You say push someone in rvs. Who did I push?

Oh wait… Sam!

I mean hippo yolo pushed me and you sheeped but go on

I just said I can win more games as scum than you. How mny scum games have you won yet? None. I have at least 5 to 8 scum game wins, a 9th one if you incluse bmgs fm game episode 15.

I voted you first you plonker

Great you can win more scum games, is this a scum slip. Claiming that you are better at scum?

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Well that’s cute and all Wolfy. It’s also completely irrelevant.

Oh my god…

I actually think you are village idiot now who is plying so poorly