6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

Says you.

Your an idiot

I’m sorry but I caught that edit and it’s going on best forum matches quotes

Is it a scumslip Sam? How dense can you be? He typed multiple posts in conjunction under severe pressure of me and “mistakenly” referred to himself as scum. You do the math.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh, No pen no edit

Are you going to scum read or just intensify the drama?

It’s kinda true though. You been pretty much open wolfing this while time, twisitng my words, making me appear as scum, claiming i haven’t responded to all your comments when I was counter arguing the reasons why i wasn’t pushing alfa, yet yoy say i need to push someone in rvs, and lo nd behold. I actually pushed sm, and convinced people he has been scummy nd will more than likely flip scum.

If i was scum, would i bus team mate this early. Answer. Maybe if they were a liability. However, pretty confident he is not vt as he claimed during a plurality lynch mechanic when there was bout 28 hours in the day left. This is not townie

I’m literally travelling.
Bit hard to speak and read when Solic and multi are spewing without thinking

Been traveling and has 3 hours maybe 6 hours for a ToL tourney well

This is not BtM on the BMG forums!!!

Sarun stop saying I had a weird push on solic if you are going to say I have a weird push and it’s not normal push me but stop saying it’s not RVS.

I meant Solic and Wolfy T-T
Apparently I speak more about Multi

Point the fuck out where I am twisting your words or stop repeating that phrase. You literally have not replied to all my points in my wallpost. That is a mere fact. That’s no claim and anyone who’s willing to read the thread can see that.

You act as if you know Sam is 100% scum already, but just before you were backtracking on it. Flipflopping much?

Direct opposite reads in quick succession.

I am going to allow this Wolfy and Solic thing happen and go read my American Slavery book. I know cruel right

Honestly I still think sam is a great lynch, if he flips scum great htm is prob also scum f he flips town we still gain a lot.

Without thinking? I am at least doing some actual thinking instead of making constant “I’m travelling or busy” excuses.

We literally gain nothing if someone flips town. That is such an odd way of thinking. Why are you not voting Wolfy? He literally referred to himself as scum. How much more blatant evidence do you people need…

You’re purposely misreading me. If this FoL. I’d probably say you’re a Fool right now

Ding Ding Ding, we have found another buzzword: misreading. If you think I’m scum, make your case in full with quotes. I’ll be waiting.

Well then. The fact I compared my scum games to yours, you claim that I scum slipped as i was saying who would more likely be listened to between us two as I said I won more scum games than you.