6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

@Marcus_Doodalee @Shurian @Livicus @Marluxion hit me with a PM if you want to sub in for Captain.

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Or maybe because you, very condescendingly, replied to a perfectly reasonable question on my part at first. I suspect you and Sarun are scum together and you’ve both dodged reading each other. My question is valid, so you don’t need to lecture me about having respect for one another.

I’m sorry, you what? So I could be in a life and death situation for example and you saying that you should not respect me in this situation? I understand you may think I may not be attempting to have a read at him in this case, but there is no need for this particular retort.

I can discuss this after the game if you wish, but it really has no bearing on anything here. I respect people’s time, as I hope they’d respect mine when I get busy. My comments were not meant maliciously. That’s all I would like to say on the topic.

Wolfy x Solic?

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Sorry I had to, the forum thinks that yall should reply to other people.

To be honest with this quote here, I have not seen them do something like this before, which caught my eye a bit and thought this was a bit odd. Then again, I haven’t played many games with them and this might just have pinged me slightly the wrong way. However, the way it seems like you’re open wolfing does suggest it can be you. However, right now, I think htm could be Village Idiot more than anything.

Ok, actively scum hunting which he often does at town, even when scum. At the moment, I have a feeling this is more the usual Sarun as town and scum. Therefore, not a lot I can read here at the moment.

I’d have to agree on this point. It could be TvT as well, but the way you’re behaving right now does kinda make me believe they were right in pointing it was a TvS situation here. However, Fire is pretty much discussing and also appears to be hunting more actively for scum, so makes me think you’re more scum than him. However, I still haven’t lost all doubts of Fire. I need to see more within the next days to come up with a read on him. However, he could be a slight town lean to a really low scum lean. Like, really low.

Pretty much have to agree here. You guys have been trying to divert attention between all of you more than anything.

Here, I have to disagree with this point slightly. I think the flip on Sam will spill your true allignment. Me and Hip made a convincing argument of why it can be Sam, yet you decide to off one of us, which seems quite worrying right now.

Bwahaha. This is what I was thinking. Memeing aside however, he doesn’t meme at all this often, especially does something like this :thinking:

My reaction was absolutely the same here when Sam claimed Citizen. There was really no need to this point…

This somewhat bothers me. I remember in FoL 5 (which was my Cult game) where we all voted for Dama for being a “fake” Paladin on me. We had three at the time, yet we did this so carelessly to get the Paladin out. Only Dama saw it as suspicious. So actually Sarun, I have to really disagree with your point there.

From this point on, I think Sarun is a slight town lean. There’s only 19 posts by him(?) which is not enough to make me think he is at least town or lock town at this point. Two posts that I thought was slightly off to me, but not enough to make them appear scummy in my eyes. At least, not yet.

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How much time left till EOD, wondering not because I want a CFD I just want to know when sam is dead.

Day ends in about 4 hours and 55 minutes.

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@Marluxion has subbed in for @Captain

/conform card

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Scum reporting for duty
which town needs a lynchin?


Sam sir!

Please give me your read on Wolfy, I’m interested on what you’ll have to say.

Sam is scum with me so i can’t vote him

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He’s probably a wolf



Mostly because sam scum slipped multiple times, thought there were somehow lost wolves in this setup (to look clueless) wouldn’t give a read list because “it will be used against me” and I’m suspecting is distancing from htm right now.

He’s almost acting jester like, which makes scum bussing him a likely scenario. I’m not unhappy with a Sam flip today, but not if you all suddenly think Wolfy is lock town, because of that. Sam has only been acting scummy later on to me.

Do you think he is distancing from htm?