6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

Why you tunnel Sarun and wolfy

Also, politeness is not pocketing, and bragging is not scumslipping. :persevere:

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I stand by the arguments that I brought up.

well it was wrong so it isn’t an argument

So if a townie makes a scummy post and gets scumread for it, it’s the fault of the scumreader? I didn’t expect the boring outcome of literally all mafia sitting on their hands. Sue me.

No I’ll roleblock you

Fun fact: Firekitten didn’t block the kill, the mafia FUCKING DIDN’T SUBMIT ANY
fortunately, he was 100% correct so there’s that


oh so I blocked the kill in heart
Still counts

Is it fun or is it sad? :eyes:

the wolves not submitting a kill thus causing a false guilty that ended up being correct made me cry to be honest


I pretty much knew they were all inactives when they decided to kill the mislynch bait n2 over the blatantly obvious PRs.

i really like this setup but i feel we randed exactly the wrong wolves to show its power

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Yeah we need margaret to be evil so I would look really smart

it worked though so if I blocked mafia I still blocked it in heart

I thought j was playing WIFOM with mafia just turns out I was playing by myself

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What were all the classes?

Tracker is better than Watcher in 3I 3P and the fact the Tracker did literally zilch for wolves is utterly absurd

Sarun’s list was exactly correct

See my post above.

with the exception of me being vanilla town
ici gave me jester

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